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Como tudo começou! - How everything started!

Foto do escritor: Filipe PortugalFilipe Portugal

Boston - Massachusetts.

Em 2004 eu e a minha linda esposa decidimos nos mudar do Colorado para Massachusetts. Lá começamos a frequentar a Greater Grace Christian Fellowship Church, onde pude conhecer a Operation Christmas Child do Samaritan´s Purse. Eu e a minha esposa fizemos 2 caixinhas com muito carinho, mas eu não sabia que estava aprendendo sobre uma incrível ideia e que mais tarde se tornaria uma grande oportunidade.

In 2004 my beautiful wife and I decided to move from Colorado to Massachusetts. There we started attending the Greater Grace Christian Fellowship Church, where I got to know Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child. My wife and I made 2 boxes with great care, but I didn't know that I was learning about an incredible idea and that later on it would become a great opportunity.

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Apr 22, 2020

Dios bendiga el proyecto!

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